DASH® Astrology Weekly Horoscope March 29 - April 4, 2020


“Self-love is the prerequisite to loving others.”


This Week:

  • Venus Trine Pluto

  • Mars Enters Aquarius

  • Mars Conjunct Saturn

  • Venus Enters Gemini

  • Mercury Conjunct Neptune

  • Venus Trine Saturn

  • Be sure to read the Corona Virus Astro Report


We are blessed with some much-needed energy from the earth element this week.

On Sunday, Venus, the planet of love, is found in aspect to Pluto, the planet of transformation and pandemics. Actually, we need to jump on the pandemic of love I’ve been firing up. The only way we are going to get through this COVID-19 madness is by injecting love into the universe. It’s the only way.

We need to stop looking at the news only to become contaminated with fear and to spread that fear onto others. Venus and Pluto will ask each and every one of us to look within and find the surplus of love you’ve forgotten about. This is coupled with the Aries season we all find ourselves in. Aries wants love and freedom. Maybe we don’t have as much freedom as we think we do, but we have love.

Believe in love and express your love to yourself and those around you. The Sun in Aries is in alignment with Chiron, the wounded healer of the zodiac. Be sure to seal your Chiron Point twice a day. If you don’t know where it is, book a remote healing with me or one of my trained practitioners, I can find it for you and tell you how to seal it.

We are being cleansed as a collective, and if nothing else, the consciousness of hygiene is being heightened. Remember, “cleanliness is next to Godliness” and we are cleansing on all levels. We can either be victimized by it and suffer, or we can become proactive and make a shift. Everything that happens in our reality is for us to upgrade to our next level and Pluto is responsible for making sure that we do it as a collective. Nobody will be left behind, but it’s only consciousness at a time.

The timing couldn’t be more perfect in these 12 Days of Aries which began on the Spring Equinox, are seed level opportunities we have to plant positive energy into the corresponding months throughout the astrological year.

Aries, The Emperor of the Zodiac, is establishing his order as we see where we fit into our proper places.

Aries will ask us to take care of our eyesight, personality, head, and face. “I reach out with authority” is what we say when we do the Aries exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Aries EOB or the Aries Phone Wallpaper, which is designed with the archetypal colors to create electrical impulses in the brain that stimulate biochemical processes in the body to transcend Aries karma, such as wanting to be special or having a hard time receiving help from others.

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Spring season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're an Aries, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

On the spiritual path, and in order to transcend our fate, we need to know that taking action to get and stay healthy is our responsibility and a positive action. We have a vessel and we need to take care of it proactively, not reactively. When there is a lack of care we fall off the spiritual path. The Sun-Chiron alignment is installing this into our consciousness. I am posting immunity-boosting tips on my IG, so please be sure to see my easy tips you can use to boost your immunity @ArikXander

Mars, the ruler of Aries will leave heavy Capricorn and enter Aquarius for some great insights and humanitarian energy. Mars will bestow us with all the energy we need to make a difference on a global scale. Love is what needs to be syndicated! We are presented with the opportunity to become united as we all want to survive and get through this. Throughout history, humanity has proven to be fragmented until it has to go through something together to unite.

Think of new ways to appreciate yourself and where you come from -- it will increase self-love which is the prerequisite for loving others.

The cosmic signature is inviting light into the darkest areas of your reality and the world. The more we can illuminate our own reality, the more light we bring into the world. 

The gift from this week is the ability to accept all aspects of yourself and others.

The challenge of the week is fear and the denial of all the blessings which are operating in the background.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Daily Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: It’s time to step up and become an adult. Avoid getting into the details and pioneer into a new reality of love and maturity. You can do it because love is where you come from and where you need to go.

  2. Monday: Mars, the ruler of Aries will leave heavy Capricorn and enter Aquarius for some great insights and humanitarian energy. Mars will bestow us with all the energy we need to make a difference on a global scale. Love is what needs to be syndicated! We are presented with the opportunity to become united as we all want to survive and get through this. Throughout history, humanity has proven to be fragmented until it has to go through something together to unite.

  3. Tuesday: Saturn and Mars align to break down obstacles. It’s vital that we remove anything getting in our way to forward motion and love. These two planets will force us to see things differently if we don’t learn to do it on our own.

  4. Wednesday: Mercury and Neptune ask that you surrender the idea that you do everything. Ideally, we are serving a higher power and allowing positive ideas to flow through us and into the world. Identification and victimization will, of course, obstruct this.

  5. Thursday: Jupiter and Pluto ask that you open your heart and forgive yourself. Think of people you’ve judged and forgive them. You might need to forgive yourself too. It’s never too late. It’ll open you up to abundance for sure.

  6. Friday: Venus will enter Gemini putting a huge emphasis on our lungs and breath. How we use our words contributes to the quality of the air we breathe. This is a transit where we can achieve ultimate immunity as Venus rules over health and wellness.

  7. Saturday: Innovations with health and healing are occurring on the root level. The more we learn our lessons, the wider the road to recovery becomes. Everything begins in the mind and we need to all learn our lessons to avoid reopening old wounds.


April Horoscopes


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