October 25 - 31, 2020
We as a collective are too addicted to things looking good without them actually being good. 10 Min. Read
Astrology Horoscope October 18 - 24, 2020
We need to find that part within that isn't as great as we think it is and get it to do something good.
Weekly Horoscope October 11 - 17, 2020
Reality is a reflection of who you are, and if you want outer change, begin changing within!
The Aries Full Moon October 2020
Look at what scares you and to take your power back and use it towards what you want.
Horoscope September 6-12, 2020
When we are victorious in our battles against our ego, we prevent external war.
Harvest Full Moon in Pisces September 2020
Many times in our reality, we stray away from our true path in pursuit of some ego hallucination.
August Full Moon of Wishes
With this Full Moon, we can invoke the power of appreciation so that we won’t be forced to become appreciative.
May New Moon in Gemini Astrology Forecast
Rather than obsessing over the promise of self-love, we should really cultivate self-respect by means of self-awareness.
May Full Moon / Buddha's Enlightenment / Flower Moon
When we align with the certainty of the divine, we see clearly and can shift reality, often even in the blink of an eye.
April New Moon in Taurus Astrology Forecast
Even with all the wealth in the world, it’s really worth nothing if it isn’t shared with a loved one.
The 2020 Seven Week Journey To The Gates of Paradise.
At the end of the seven week journey, on June 4, 2020, we are granted access to immortality, health, wealth, and life!
Full Moon in Libra / The Full Moon of Wars
All the hateful comments and violent text messages and words of defamation we have spitted out of our mouths and keyboards have contributed to the pollution and syndication of an airborne disease.