Arik Xander

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January Destiny Report For All Zodiac Signs

DESTINY is the path we take to fulfill our PURPOSE.
Tip: read for your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign.

♈Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Relationships are undergoing some major renovation and healing this month. It’s time to really think about what you need and to also remember that everything that comes back at you is what you have put out into the universe in this life or another. Focus on your self-value! Make a list and do things that support parts of yourself that you value. So cheer up buttercup! It’s all in the divine plan.

♉Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

You’re building upon relationships and commitments you’ve made this month. Be open to all-new ways to have fun and increase your life energy. This month finds you sharing resources with others as you combine the best of what you have to offer with the best others have to offer. Be happy to do some recreational activities that increase your happiness. It’s a good month for love, love, love!

♊Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

This month has you thinking on your feet and opening your mind to what’s been right in front of you all along! If you allow yourself, you’ll be able to see where you’ve been wrong which will allow you to open up to new venues and ventures! It’s a month of expanding your small world into something you didn’t even know existed. Communicate with others at their level so they can comprehend what you’re saying.

♋Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The eclipse occurs in your sign this month so you’re feeling the changes! There is a lot of change going on and you feel it more than others. You’re focused on work and career. Don’t feel victimized by what the world is calling of you because it’s where you’re supposed to be going. Work hard and just avoid any attitudes of martyrdom and you’ll be extremely successful.

♌Leo (July 23 - August 23)

If you feel like you’re in a tidepool this month, don’t freak out, because you just might be! Friends and groups are of a huge focus right now. I would say watch out for emotional promiscuity - which is like tiring to connect with others and violate their boundaries! You’re focused on what’s going on around you, but you need to respect other’s lines. Otherwise, you have a strong desire nature this month so work on what you want!

♍Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 23)

Your thought processes are showing you how they support or get in the way of your beliefs this month. Figure out what’s really going on beneath the surface. You might be acting too habitual so try to mix things up so that you can think outside of the box. You want to expand, but you need to organize some room to make it happen.

♎Libra (Sept. 24 - October 23)

This month may be difficult for you because you’re being asked to focus on something you’d rather not: yourself. What are your needs Libra? Stop justifying and giving in to what others want and need from you on a personal level because you only end up manipulating or resenting others in the long run. Focus on yourself and what makes you happy and you can gain a lot of life.

♏Scorpio (October 24 - Nov. 22)

This month increases your self-worth which will also allow you to increase your financial situation! Emotions have a huge impact on money - if you love money, money will come to you - if you hate money, money will fly run away from you. You’re digging into your past and family ties and seeing how you can upgrade you sense of value - that part that is rooted in your family of origin. If you can manage that you’ll be able to free yourself from self-imposed limitations.

♐Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

This is a month of expanding the world around you and your thinking processes. On one hand, you might be thinking or overthinking things too much! Try to get to work and give the world the best you have to offer without getting distracted by smaller minds! Open your heart to your mind and come up with the best solution!

♑Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

It’s your birthday month Capricorn! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! You have a strong desire nature this month! You want a lot! So focus on why you want it and where you see it taking you in the next 30 days. Past life karma is hitting you and some family stuff will come up with the Saturn-Pluto alignment. So work on yourself to come out better than before.

♒Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

It’s your birthday month Aquarius! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! You’re loving life this month and relationships are unpredictable. Be open to meeting unusual people who will take you into realities. You might achieve a new meaning of life and relationships which will give you that gust of fresh air you’ve been waiting for.

♓Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Work, work, and more work. Wellness, wellness, and more wellness. You need to work and take care of yourself this month. Also, who or what do you serve? Your ego or some self-image? You know that ego doesn’t work, but watch out for spiritual ego! This is the holier than thou, entitled ego that thinks it deserves things for being just “holy”. Big mistake. Get your hands dirty and serve the light. That’s all you need to shine bright!

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