Weekly Astrology Dec. 29-Jan. 4, 2020


“We recreate what we run from. So propel forward without running.”






Hi Stargazers! 🌃🤩

The eclipse from last week still ripples through us until the Full Moon which I will teach about in Hollywood on January 9, 2020. Get your tickets! It will also be live-streamed!

Fiscally speaking, Sunday begins week 1 of 2020! Wow! I have two 2020 articles you need to read! The first covers what the new decade offers until 2030! The second article covers the major transits of the year 2020. Get wise, because you do better when you know better!

I urge each and every one of you to download my 2020 Intention Setting E-Book. The first 12 days of the new year represent the seed level of the 12 different months of the year. Be aware of what is going on the first 12 days of January to get a taste of what is to come during the corresponding month. My 12-day meditation will ask you to plant 12 seeds of intention for the 12 months of 2020. Each day has a focus and consciousness to retain throughout the day which will echo to that corresponding month.

If you want to project your best reality for 2020 - do this 12 Day Seed Manifestation Meditation. It’s very easy to do and is for beginners and advanced meditators alike.

Plus, this meditation comes with a FREE COPY of my 2020 Vision Forecast which has horoscopes for health, wealth, relationships and career for each sign!

Mercury now joins the Sun in Capricorn this week allow us to bring superpowers to our intentions! There is a lot of magic available for manifestation! So funny though how our society is set up to rest during such a productive time! It seems like a waste to use this energy by just laying around doing nothing.

Well, I suggest working from home! Going within and do the work that really counts! The spiritual, inner work will make the material flow be effortless. Sometimes Capricorn archetypes want to fight that battle and make everything complicated! Why? So set that aside and allow things to be easy as you do the spiritual work!

Be sure to download my solar Capricorn meditation. The light you shine into this meditation will return back to you throughout the current solar cycle and beyond.

Mercury will then align with Jupiter in Capricorn bringing expansive thinking and communication to the table! Let’s see what happens! I just want to warn everything from running on any level! Anytime we are impatient or don’t want to deal with things, we are essentially running. Anytime we are not present, high, drunk, judging or otherwise distracted, we are running! So please, stay focused on the task at hand because we run the risk of rerunning! How? Because we recreate whatever run from!

Problems will always follow you because the Universe wants you to resolve them. Not because karma is a bitch - the Universe wants you to clean up your act and get it together because life has so much more to offer than whatever you’re used to now. Believe that and allow it to be true please - thank you.

Mars will slide into Sagittarius removing any tact what-so-ever. Think of an untrained puppy who just pounces and bites everything. We will have A LOT of energy because we need to direct it into something productive otherwise we might destroy fragile projects. So think discrimination, care, and moderation.

Capricorn will ask us to take care of our bones, teeth, knees, hair, and nails. “I have faith and confidence in the future” is what we say when we do the Capricorn exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Capricorn Essential Oil Blend and the Zodiac Wallpaper to activate color therapy and transcend the stars within Capricorn!

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Winter season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Capricorn, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) so book in a birthday appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

The cosmic signature of the week is giving us the opportunity to bring spirituality down to earth and utilize it in a practical way! There is a strong focus on our neighbors and your immediate environment. Think about how you can be a better neighbor, student, and friend to others. Apply what you have learned and start walking the talk.

The gift of the week is positing thinking and communication. Be present with people and allow yourself to trust in the spiritual system.

The challenge of the week is trying to manipulate things and greed. One of the karmic corrections we will face in 2020 is greed. So be aware of trying to manipulate the system by being greedy or skimpy. You get what you pay for and only the ego wants to keep wealth and abundance to itself. You receive when you give and that’s just how it works.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander

Happy New Decade!

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Weekly Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Mercury now joins the Sun in Capricorn this week allow us to bring superpowers to our intentions! There is a lot of magic available for manifestation! So funny though how our society is set up to rest during such a productive time! It seems like a waste to use this energy by just laying around doing nothing.

  2. Monday: Moon is in Aquarius giving us connection without touch. Watch out for spurts of aggression. Time to release some negative emotions before the new decade!

  3. Tuesday: It’s now time to really walk away. Use your energy to move forward without aggression anger or regret. You will learn everything you need to learn on your new path. The Universe never leaves you empty-handed and without direction.

  4. Wednesday: Happy New Decade! Do my 12 Day Seed Mediation and read all my forecasts!! Mercury is giving you the time to remove delays! Use it well! Today is quantum January.

  5. Thursday: Mercury is aligned with Jupiter, bringing expansive thinking and communication to the table! Let’s see what happens! I just want to warn everything from running on any level! Today is quantum February.

  6. Friday:  Venus is in Aquarius making sure that everything has a sweet closure. Time to end on a good note. We can love others without touching them. Today is quantum March.

  7. Saturday: Saturn is closing in on Pluto in Capricorn in its approaching stage. Wow, the tension is high and power is shifting and we will all have to face the consequences of hatred and ignorance. Some more than others. Stay connected to the Truth and throw your truth out the window. Today is quantum April.


January Destiny Report For All Zodiac Signs


Weekly Astrology Dec. 22-28, 2019