Weekly Horoscope October 4 - 10, 2020


Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

“Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.”



This Week:

We’re still buzzing from the Full Moon in Aries last week. It was a powerful Full Moon to remove dark forces that suck positivity! So enjoy that great, new energy!

The cosmos continues to balance and process the review of our past actions, over many lifetimes. Right now, our positive actions are being weighed, meaning the good things we have done or have failed to do. On October 7, 2020, the review process will complete. At the same time, this is a powerful day to make atonements and truly convince the gatekeepers of the Universe that we will change ourselves from the negative actions we have committed.

On the same day, Mercury will oppose Uranus giving us an even extra eye for objectivity so that we may review our intentions as well as see where we draw our energy from to act. A hint: it’s not always as pure of a source as we think - the idea of a clean energy source also applies to our actions. If we are revengeful for example, the energy for those actions are drawn from anger or hatred. No matter what an action looks like, its the energy it rides of that matters.

To support this process, Pluto, the planet of transformation will go direct right at the beginning of the week. Now the teachers of the Zodiac, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, are direct in Capricorn giving us another round of COVID19 lessons. Will we extend the restrictions or finally free ourselves from them? It’s up to you.

Libra will ask us to take care of our skin and kidneys. Use Raw Skin Care Oil to restore the skin and use energy blend with kidney supplements to help these vital organs. “My sexual energies are balanced” is what we say when we do the Libra exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Libra essential oil or the Libra Phone Wallpaper, which is designed with the archetypal colors to create electrical impulses in the brain that stimulate biochemical processes in the body to transcend Libra astrology.

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Libra season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Virgo, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

It would be wise to tap into the Libra energy in a positive way with the Libra Season 2020 Meditation. There you can access the 30-day window to harness the sunlight filtered through Libra and optimize the month and sign within your chart. Even if you’re not a Libra, you have the archetype within you that needs your attention.

At the end of the week, Mars will square off with Pluto which will omit a powerful tension in the atmosphere that can break, or make, us as a collective. It’s about the empires we create and that we live in. We will be confronted with how we use our emotions and whether or not we want to keep going down the same old path or a new one.

October 7 is the day when we can really atone for separation from anything we hate, anything we reject, and anything that keeps us from true fulfillment - when we become at one with the Universe and able to request all the energy we need.

  • The cosmic signature of the week is asking us to be light even if it’s heavy.

  • The gift of the week is compassion and beauty.

  • The challenge of the week is heaviness and vanity.

Ageless Podcast (New Season Coming)

For even deeper talks about spirituality and the world, beyond the news, check out our Speechless.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander for tips on how to boost immunity and stay mindful of cosmic happenings.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Daily Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Pluto will go direct in Capricorn redirecting our process onto releasing material addictions and obsessions.

  2. Monday: Strong discipline and a forward-thinking plan will provide for optimal manifesting circumstances.

  3. Tuesday: Mars is retrograde in Aries helping us to build up our energy reserves for when it turns direct. Empires are changing.

  4. Wednesday: Fear of loss can trigger hatred today, be brave to extinguish the hellfire of hatred.

  5. Thursday: True balance will bring an opportunity to grow and expand your business ventures. However, true balance isn’t what the ego deems it to be.

  6. Friday: Innovation and creative ideas are flowing in from the cosmos today - write those ideas down because they need to be implemented by people who are up to the task.

  7. Saturday: The need for something to manifest is often what blocks it from happening the way we want it to. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.


Weekly Horoscope October 11 - 17, 2020


October Horoscopes 2020