Solar Return Reading

If your birthday is coming up now is a great time to get what's called a "Solar Return Reading where we look at what you're facing in the next year ahead.

What is a Solar Return Chart?

In astrology, birthday's are a big deal as it represents the seed level for your next year of life. Every year on your birthday, give or take a day, the sun returns to the same exact point it was when you took your first breath. I cast a chart when the sun returns to this exact degree in the current year and then the magic begins.

What I need from you.

All I need is the city you will be in on your birthday. In fact, where you are on your birthday can change your entire year ahead. So if you want me to look at certain places then make sure to schedule before your birthday to get this information before you celebrate!

Don't worry if you can't get an appointment before your birthday. I can read this chart after your birthday as this will stay with you for a year.

How this can help you.

As you know, timing is everything. So, when I read your Solar Return chart I make sure to help the positive manifest without the nasty negative. It is crucial to make sure that you have supportive energy around this time as there can be birth traumas lurking around which can get in the way of this vitalizing day where you will be receiving a surge of energy into your 3rd chakra.