Interfacing astrology with the body.
The next step is to see how the planets and stars manifest through your being.

Astrology manifests through your chakras.
A chakra is no different than a star, as it is a vortex of spiraling energy. Each vortex rules over an organ or gland, bone, ligament, and muscle on a holographic level. This is how the movements of the heavens can influence life on earth. Until now, this has never been explained nor used in a healing modality.
Your DNA is the code.
There are twenty-two archetypes, amino acids, and chromosomes. The entire configuration of your being is mapped out within your astrological chart through your spiritual DNA. Astrolochi works because each and every part of our body has a spiritual counterpart, a ruling archetype, which can be traced to the planets and the zodiac.
The zodiac manifests through the 12 meridians.
The 12 main meridians running through your body are designed to deliver life energy to organs, muscles, cells, and various systems such as your brain and DNA. These meridians are unique to every person and can be decoded within your astrological birth chart.
Your brain integrates it all.
Your brain is the key to checking the display of your bio-computer: the most powerful computer, programmed by God. As the interface into all worlds, the brain allows us to physically move from the questions into answers with kinesiology.
Energy work with the muscles
Kinesiology, or muscle monitoring, is the best way to integrate the physical with the spiritual. This technology uses muscle monitoring to communicate with the subconscious of the individual which is then displayed through the muscles of the body ensuring truthful feedback. This is a technology that can be used to get the answer to any question (when Divine conditions allow).
Open Source
Most kinesiology systems use eastern models like Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yet, the Astrolochi system uses kinesiology based on the Cosmic Pixels archetypal alphabet we decoded from The Book of Formation. This provides an alternative for anyone who studies with the widely accepted system of the traditional model. To give context, the differences are as grand as between Chinese and Western Astrology.
As Above, So Below
Using both the science of astrology and the technology of kinesiology, Astrolochi® bridges these worlds.
Innovation that restores the original and breaks through to a new world of wellness.
Astrolochi incorporates an ongoing review of your spiritual software (via astrology) with the maintenance of our hardware (via kinesiology) to initiate, oversee, and complete firmware upgrades for optimal living. Astrolochi works because each and every part of our body has a spiritual counterpart, a ruling archetype, which can be traced to the planets and the zodiac.
This is how we can see the state of the body in the chart. Although these teachings have been passed down, there has never been an accurate and simple explanation until now.
Kinesiology has a vast history of applications and has the ability to make connections between things independent of our beliefs or backgrounds. Kinesiology means 'the study of movement' and can also be used as a biofeedback to gather data to set up a correction. Since 2004, I have used kinesiology and have respectfully used the technique to further my practice and research. The ability to muscle test is a tool that operates beyond time and space and gives us the ability to move from the world of questions into the world of answers. But it’s always up to asking the right question.
I am continuously enchanted by the direction kinesiology takes me. I believe that muscle testing is something we will continue to learn about as mankind continues to evolve. I do believe that new modalities will emerge as we move forward.
With kinesiology, any information can be known about anything anywhere in the present or past (permission dependent). People who use muscle testing, in any area, have the ability to access more information than any computer can store. With muscle testing, there are endless possibilities - and this is where my passion lies across all my work in various industries. The art is truly a tool I use in all my business endeavors.
When used to diagnose, muscle testing is the perfect interface for the linear and nonlinear domains. There is no other technology that can remain objective, but also includes the observer as well as the impersonal field of consciousness. Kinesiology could be the best tool for the advancement of science and life on earth.
The flow and structure of the fourteen major meridians that run through the body were attributed to various muscles by Michigan chiropractor Dr. George J. Goodheart, Jr. who developed Applied Kinesiology. This opened up the field for mind-body interfacing, diagnosis, and healing on all levels. For example, with kinesiology, almost any correction technique can be used when in alignment with the facilitator and recipient. Astrolochi offers astrological data, acupressure, emotional stress diffusion, sound healing, color therapy, essential oils, chakra balance, meridian resets, and advanced neurological and cranial sacral therapy.
Kinesiology has been successfully incorporated by medical doctors, surgeons, natural doctors, naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, TCM doctors, and now astrologers (thanks to Astrolochi).
It takes Professional Kinesiology practitioners several years of training to be able to accurately and effectively apply muscle testing to asses and correct biofeedback.
In the wellness industry, kinesiology remains one of the fastest-growing wellness therapies in the world with schools, teachers, students, and practitioners healing, learning, studying, and teaching all over the world.
The best thing is that you don’t have to have a problem to benefit from kinesiology. It’s also a great prevention and maintenance modality to give you a personalized program to help any all areas of life from relationships, financials, career, nutrition, purpose, and destiny as well as confidence and athletics.
The Chiron Point carries all wounds from all levels an individual has experienced throughout many lifetimes, and we personally even go so far as to say that it is the single most powerful cause for all the problems in our lives.
Chiron was said to be the father of medicine, and we see still it in how the word is used today:
chirurgery (the ancient word for surgery), and
chirography (which means writing, which we all need to create a prescription).
In Astrolochi we use both astrology and kinesiology to find exactly where this point is manifesting on a body, so it can be sealed in order to stop the energy drain that all those unhealed wounds create.
Until the Chiron Point is sealed, healing is impossible to remain permanent. However, once The Chiron Point is sealed, other therapies or “healthy habits” will take on an accumulative effect, meaning that they will begin to work and build upon each other.
What’s more, is that we have found after sealing The Chiron Point, people become aligned with realities that are supportive of health. They find new therapies, healers, or doctors with solutions to which they have been previously unaware of.
There is no telling how long a balancing will last when considering your environment and lifestyle choices. But this is why the first appointment is always to seal the Chiron Point. When sealing this point, healing becomes possible and retainable.
No. Living in the 21st century allows me to reach out and conduct balancings and readings via Video-telephony. In a balancing, someone acts as your surrogate by connecting with you from anywhere in the world. So when I am using muscle monitoring, or a healing technique in surrogate mode, it's as if you are on my table. Sometimes you can even hear the transfers of energy when on Skype, FaceTime, etc.
Did you know that you may not be compatible with your doctor, astrologically speaking. In the same way we look to the stars for our soul mate, there are relationship parameters for anyone who is transmitting health to another. Even if it is the best doctor or healer in the world, it might not be suitable for you, and could actually create more harm. It is important to know who you are working with. In ancient days, doctor's had to be educated in all things astrology for this very reason. I always check if we are compatible and will let you know if we are not. I can seal anyone's Chiron Point, but working deeper will require more work and agreement from you, or to find a compatible practitioner.
There are various techniques to sealing these points, but we usually do it with the essential oil blend associated with the degree of the chart where Chiron can be found. We always need the below (kinesiology) to make sense of the above (astrology), and without the above, the below is without context.