Uranus Retrograde (ALL SIGNS) 2018: Be Changed.
Everyone, individually and collectively, is going to revisit who they are and what has transpired since April 2011.
Weekly Horoscope: Look towards the light.
Weekly Horoscope, Week 32August 5, 2018 - August 11, 2018
A Cockblocking Earth
First of all, a lunar eclipse is a difficult lunation. It was a bit of a challenge to find the secret wisdom within this lunar eclipse, because one should always interpret the stars in an optimistic manner, while remaining entirely honest and transparent of the challenges presented.
The 7 Keys for the 7 Years of Uranus in Taurus.
We are approaching a major shift this year. Uranus will move into the the zodiac sign Taurus, on May 16th, 2018.
Trump releases Kennedy Files: Foreshadow or Urban Legend?
So, is this all a foreshadow? Is President Trump aware of the folklore? Or, is it a hot topic in the White House? Either way, it’s interesting food for thought.