Balance it


Weekly Horoscope, Week 39
September 23, 2018 - September 29, 2018


Hello Stargazers! 🌃🔭

As always: you can ignore the stars if you can walk through walls. Otherwise, please become aware of the spiritual weather of the week.

 Happy Autumn Equinox! Be sure to read my extensive article on the next six months here.

This week sure starts off with a bang! We are all shifting into the new world we have worked for. Let’s not challenge anything and rather stay humble!

Now that we are officially in Autumn, and the month of Libra, we are being balanced. The first day of Libra is a day when our karma is seriously balanced. So, if you’re experiencing any aches, pains or emotional stuff, wait it out! It is important that we remain happy on this day. Why? Because the Autumn Equinox is all about the quantity of life, money, accomplishment, etc. So, when our karma is being balanced, the happier we are, the better our chances to receive more.

Do whatever you can to become and remain happy. Seal your chiron point, use some uplifting oils, let go of expectations! Surrender to the experience! Monday will be easier.

But not that much easier, as our karma pertaining to the archetypal ruler, Judgement, will be balanced! Phew! Balancing judgement in a judgement cycle! AH! But it must be done! Judgement is the archetype that upgrades us!

This week, we also have a powerful Full Moon in Aries which will ask us to melt down some ego identities. Be sure to join me for the guided meditation this week. FYI: The Moon Meditation Workbook is out now!

Happy Autumn Equinox and thank you for your trust!

Please read my “notable transits” for each day this week or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or watch my daily Instagram Stories to get the updates as they occur.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using Astrolochi®.

Weekly Horoscopes & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Now that we are officially in Autumn, and the month of Libra, we are being balanced. The first day of Libra is a day when our karma is seriously balanced. So, if you’re experiencing any aches, pains or emotional stuff, wait it out! It is important that we remain happy on this day. Why? Because the Autumn Equinox is all about the quantity of life, money, accomplishment, etc. So, when our karma is being balanced, the happier we are, the better our chances to receive more. Sun enters Libra

  2. Monday: Today our karma pertaining to the archetypal ruler, Judgement, will be balanced! Phew! Balancing judgement in a judgement cycle! AH! But it must be done! Judgement is the archetype that upgrades us! 2nd day of Libra

  3. Tuesday: Tuesday is a powerful Full Moon in Aries! We can melt many ego identities with this Full Moon! So much power is available, don’t let the ego snatch it! The New & Full Moon Meditation Workbook is out now! Full Moon in Aries

  4. Wednesday: Clear, precise, communication is required if we want to work with others today. Really listen. Be patient, and don’t take words out of other people’s mouths. Let them finish. Mercury 6° Libra trine Mars 4° Aquarius

  5. Thursday: There is such a thing as being too open hearted. Whenever you take on more than you think you can handle, or can’t say no, we are too open. We need to know how balance our heart. Today, we have the intelligence to know when to say no when it is just too greedy or too much. Jupiter 21° Scorpio quintile Mars 4° Aquarius

  6. Friday: We are attracting a lot of energy right now. It’s imperative that we walk away from the old ways that have left us out in the cold. We don’t want to separate, now is the time to begin uniting. Love is not emotional. Venus 9° Scorpio opposite Moon 8° Taurus

  7. Saturday: What a powerful week we just had. Today is the accumulation of the past 7 days. If you feel like you have been on a hamster wheel, it’s time to step off. We can think outside of the box and still be responsible with our duties. Authority is changing, so just wait it out for a minute. Saturn 2° Capricorn trine Uranus 1° Taurus Rx


Make room for the new.


Autumn Equinox 2018: The Archetype of Judgement