The Tarot Is An Island Of Wisdom


Hi Stargazers,

I purposely scheduled the first of eight archetype classes during the Full Moon in Pisces. Why? Because it’s a Full Moon to find your compass and the Tarot archetypes are one of the best compasses I’ve used for myself and countless others in my practice.

I mean whuuuuuuuut.

Yeah it is. Forget what you know about the Tarot because you’ve never studied with the cosmic pixels deck which is based on the direct lineage of Tarot archetypes going back 4000 years! Scratch that! To the creation of this world!

I know it might be a bit last minute, not for the class, but for the evolution of mankind, but it’s never too late to learn about the symbols of the cosmos, intention, wisdom, and creation! It’s never too late!

So take on your know-it-all (others have) and do something good for yourself. You know I am severely discounting my prices for this class. Why? Because times are tough? No! Because it’s just an intro class!

Introduce yourself to these archetypes and see what they mean for you! You’ll see where you fall short and where you stand strong and maybe you’ll even figure out how to balance it all.

Beginners and teachers have signed up. Because this deck has never been taught before. Never ever. But! I will record each class and let you rent them! For sure! Which means you don’t need to be in the live class but you need to live with the archetypes!

Think of it like this, each class will transport you into a new energy you will live in for a week. Isn’t that cool?

To be honest, I was asked by some people if I would teach about the Tarot and when discussing it with Aurelia I was like, “well how are we going to do this? I mean there is a lot going on.” And she said, “that’s exactly why it needs to be taught.” And I was like, “oh yeah!” We were walking Seiya (who loves to draw cards BTW lol) and it all became clear.

This is an island of wisdom that isn’t new agey or fortune tellingly, it’s a mirror into superconsciousness.

I hope you understand because the more people who understand this tool the more we can transform ourselves and the world in our image and not the others’ image of what it should be.

Space hug

Arik Xander


Weekly Horoscope August 30 - September 5, 2020


Harvest Full Moon in Pisces September 2020