The Divine Cannot Be Divided.

The Divine Cannot Be Divided.

Hi Stargazers,

I believe in heaven on earth and I want to explain why.

Full Disclosure: My wish is that one day I can say I was wrong about these times. I am waiting for the day that I can look back and say “wow I was wrong about how that was going to unfold”. Until this day comes, I have to report the astrological forecasts with honest solutions which require candid delineation of the effects that are boomeranging back at humanity.

As you may know, the Full Moon of Battles of coming up this weekend. It’s a powerful opportunity to put an end to the divide and conquer tactics troubling humanity. I spoke about this briefly with Aurelia in our latest Ageless Podcast, but basically, we are being divided as a collective.

While the divide and conquer tactics used aren’t new, they are effective. Why? Because society hasn’t changed much, so the counterforces say, “why change something that works?”

It’s logical….don’t change things that work.

Think of the divide within you and around you within society and ask yourself if this feels like the Divine? I don’t need to spell it out, but we are all facing issues that create a huge split between whether we are infected/vaccinated or not.

Censorship, social unrest, and controlling the masses all seemed like something we read about in history books until 2020. It’s now a reality, but it’s a reality that we can shift out of with a chain of miracles. Miracles are essentially the Divine intervention that puts a stop to ego division. When we can channel the Divine, we create miracles, but we have to first overcome our propensity to divide ourselves from others.

If we don’t activate a chain of miracles, the counterforce’s agenda will last at least another 4-5 years, and maybe even until 2030. And trust me, you won’t even recognize the world by then and the history books will be written in a way that future generations will have to believe in a conspiracy theory in order to get any truth about what happened.

We need a miracle if we want to keep paradise within reach.

The good news is that your work is making a difference! Openings are being created every day, but we need to take action and keep up the good work. As soon as we get lazy or rest on our laurels, settle for less, or even try to get back to normal (lol), we lose the battle, and bam, before you know it, we are back to square one.

So what about the Full Moon of Battles? Why is the annual event so important?

  1. It’s the first Full Moon of the Astrological New Year

  2. It’s the Full Moon of Aries Season

  3. It’s in Libra (a sign of karma)

  4. This year it’s falling within the 12 Days of the New Year

  5. It’s within one of the greatest battles for humanity during The Age of Aquarius

That’s a wow.

The divide and conquer tactics make us weak, but we need to unite, which is why I am hosting an online workshop to align our consciousness and shoot another blast of love at the brainwashing counterforces. It’s time to activate the spiritual, peaceful warrior, and take the battle to where it really matters.

The Full Moon of Battles will determine the outcome of your personal battles for the year to come. It’s very important to make sure that you have a good attitude so that no matter what you face in the next 12 months, you will remain victorious.

This Full Moon Workshop will teach you how to connect and stay connected with a higher power so that you can truly understand the spiritual exchange: namely, that you give when you receive and that you receive when you give which brings about endless prosperity and resources.

See you in the workshop and please invite all your friends and family.

Thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.



Now What?


Step Onto The Rainbow Road Timeline.