How To Put An End To Recurring Issues With Self Care.
What is coming is better than what is gone.
In recent years the term self care has become more and more of a household concept without anybody ever taking time to stop and think what that actually means. So if we take a moment to reflect on this, we come to understand that self care goes way beyond a day at the spa or indulging in something we think is good for us, but means we are the only ones responsible for managing our experience on any level.
No doctor, therapist or healer can provide us with health, happiness or a balanced life - only we ourselves can care enough to assess if we are doing what we’re supposed to be doing, if we are living the life we came here to live, which is as simple yet complex as living in harmony with ourselves, our past, our environment, and by extension the universe.
Only we can execute the shifts in our energies that will result in changes of patterns, attitudes, and actions, which in turn can create balance in the physical, chemical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of our being. This may be as exciting as starting on a journey of self discovery or as boring as brushing our teeth.
Whichever it is, one thing is certain, it will move us from a place of helplessness where our health is concerned, to a place of empowerment.
Throw my services into the mix. I developed a simple technology of assessment and balancing subtle energies through reading the birth chart, which is basically a dialogue with our core being as well as the issues that have to be looked at, while they wreak havoc on our best laid plans.
Before I get deeper into this I have to digress for a second and talk about a not well known and therefore often overlooked point on our body, which is an important part of my healing technology: The Chiron Point.
Have you ever wondered why the same physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues seem to recur in your life? This is because this most vulnerable point on your body — the Chiron Point — is not sealed. In Greek mythology Chiron is the wounded healer, the guy who can heal anything and anyone but not himself - thanks to a deadly super poison he created. So now he cannot live a healthy life but also can’t die because of his immortality status. For us this means that unless this point, which is visible in the birth chart, is found and sealed on the body, every treatment, every therapy, every breakthrough we achieve in our emotional, physical, and spiritual work is compromised, and has no chance of sustaining long-lasting effects.
It is as if drinking water from a glass that has a hole in its side. We’ll manage to get some of that water into our body, but water will also leak through the hole in the glass and we won’t be able to stay hydrated. But once the Chiron Point is sealed we are put onto a trajectory of good health on every level. We are guided to find everything we need for our healing that finally, we are able to go from crisis mode to elevating our entire being.
So here you have the first step of my healing sessions. After that, we eliminate “randomness,” aka chaos, from our lives and become conscious co-creators of our reality - self care at its best! Or in other words, in my balancing healing sessions, which I can do in person or as telemedicine treatments, we initiate, oversee, and complete firmware upgrades by reviewing our software with the help of the chart, while creating a good system for maintenance of our hardware, which of course is our precious body.
This will increase vitality, provide greater awareness to understand our reason for being here, create new, more joyful experiences, and optimize the function of our innate healing system for a more enhanced healing and recovery, where necessary. Understanding the fact that pain and other symptoms are no more than our inherent early warning systems telling us about an imbalance, can help us to avoid major malfunctions and disease.
Whether you look for greater fulfillment, satisfaction, optimum performance in mental or athletic endeavors, seek to heal from injury, surgery, or illness, or just want to experience and enjoy the positive aspects of your life more than you can imagine today, let your body guide me with your astrological charts as a map in our dialogue, using kinesiology as the language we both speak.