Arik Xander

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What Is A Solar Ingression?

“We must use the available light to clean each astrological house as the Sun travels across the sky throughout the year. ”


A solar ingression is when the sun moves into a new sign from our perspective here on Earth. It’s the beginning of a new astrological season and lasts about 30 days. They are also known as astrological months which span across two Gregorian months.

Your birthday will always fall within the astrological season of your sign. For example, if you’re an Aquarius, then you had been born during the month of solar Aquarius, what’s also known as Aquarius Season.

We can think of DASH® Astrology as an interpretation of time - the past, the present, and - if skilled enough - the future. Every year beginning on the Spring Equinox, the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, and begins a new astrological cycle. The Sun then proceeds through the twelve signs of the zodiac signs to complete an astrological year.

Each of these twelve signs is co-ruled by one of the ten various planets of our solar system. Altogether, these twenty-two archetypes are, of course, ruled by the twenty-two Tarot archetypes, which govern and control our reality. Astrological interpretation is, therefore, recognizing the relationships and dance between these twenty-two archetypes as they interact and influence our world.

This means that each and every single one of us has our own astrological chart where these twenty-two archetypes “interact” no different than interior design or feng shui. This interaction is determined by our birth chart, which is determined by our birth date, time and location, which identifies the positions of the twenty-two archetypes exactly when we were born. This unique constellation is a mandala of our soul and it tells us where we have come from, where we are going, and how to get there. It’s essentially a cosmic map that adapts and adjusts with the use of our free will.

Our astrological chart, lso known as a birth chart, is precisely informative to our past to the point where it can show us how we died in previous lives, by showing us how we lived in these past lives.

In this life, we must use the tools of astrology to become aware of what needs to be corrected in order to move forward. When we learn about the challenges we face, we have a great advantage to transform voluntarily before we are forced to do so. Because the universe is set up to help us evolve, the light we need, to see and transform, shines upon each of our twelve houses of our astrological chart once a year via the transits of the Sun.

Now, in our astrological chart, we have twelve different houses, each with unique decor, function, and purpose. This is no different from the buildings where we reside in our material world, except our astrological chart represents our true blueprint, which indicates our design and potential.

These twelve houses in our astrological chart correspond to twelve areas, which make up the totality of our reality. We can meditate to explore our astrological chart and these twelve houses throughout the year. We will find that some houses are smaller or bigger than other houses.

But like with any house we should keep in mind that in total there is only so much space available. Meaning, if our home is divided into twelve rooms, then bigger rooms will take space away from other rooms.

On a practical level, we see this in our lives every day. For example, if we spend more time and energy at work, our home life is smaller - or if we are constantly hanging out with friends then maybe our sense of self and identity is compromised. In meditating with DASH® Astrology, we are able to see the live status of the houses in our astrological chart.

To give a greater picture of how the houses are connected to our physical world, it should be mentioned that each of these twelve houses is linked to the twelve meridians within the body, which are connected to emotions, bodily functions, body organs, and all physical phenomena we experience in this world. And, as the planets transit on from their position at the time of our birth, we make new experiences filtered by the combination of these archetypes. Astrology can be so detailed, it is even said that the number of one’s hairs at the exact time of death can be forecasted. This type of reading had been conducted by the royal astrologers of ancient days.

For the sake of simplicity, and practicality, we can imagine every month, or cycle, how the Sun shines light into one of the twelve houses in our astrological chart for about 30 days.

Our job is to utilize this light by cleaning and controlling it. When the Sun's light becomes so bright within a house in our chart, we need the proper cleaning supplies and tools to be effective and make the houses usable within the time we have before the light moves onto another house. On top of this, each house is naturally influenced by an archetypal theme no matter what the purpose of the house is - and this is based on our birth karma.

Taking it even further, any house may have one or more players, or "interior designers" standing by to create harmony or havoc, depending on how we employ them.

Our goal is simple - find the best harmony for the sake of spiritual and physical evolution.

We must use the available light to clean each house as the Sun travels across the sky throughout the year. This is a very personal process as each birth chart is unique to the negative and positive karma we have accumulated. As we clean house by overcoming the negativity acted out by the degraded qualities and karmic patterns of each sign, we can control the way the light will manifest in our house and obviously, in our life. This is how we can provide a pure environment for our seed wishes to grow.

As we clean each room throughout the year, we will find by the end of the year, we will have chaos, are able to nurture and protect our treasures, and bring creations into a permanent abode. We can meditate and invite healing, prosperity, harmony, and peace among many other qualities we are in need of. It is an extremely valuable practice to clean the twelve houses, as long as we know-how.

Meanwhile, this practice will manifest in our physical lives and uplift the world as we continue to clean up our side of the fence.

You can find the current solar ingression on the meditations page.