Astrological Forecast: Jan. 17-23, 2021

Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

Astrological Forecast: Jan. 17-23, 2021.png

“As difficult or discouraging as it may seem, our task is to see the light in the midst of the chaos.”


Hi Stargazers!

This week:

  • Sun Enters Aquarius

  • Mars Conjunct Uranus

  • Sun Conjunct Saturn

  • The cosmic signature of the week is empowering you to true to your voice.

  • The gift of the week is stability in the midst of turbulence.

  • The challenge of the week is panic.

We are shifting gears into Aquarius season, be sure to read my forecast on that front to get an overview of what’s going on. Also be sure to sign up to my Aquarius Season Online Workshop to invite light into your life!

New doors are opening this week, so be on the lookout for them as we need to step through them in order to bring change into our lives.

This year, as the Sun ingresses into Aquarius, the planets Mars and Uranus will align in Taurus.

Mars breaks down old habits while Uranus sparks new beginnings and when they meet in Taurus, the bull, we can expect an astrological surge of energy releasing into the realm of business, money and the media, all ruled by Taurus.

As difficult or discouraging as it may seem, our task is to see the light in the midst of the chaos. In order to change our lives, we must change our consciousness and then get to the root of a problem. Rather than dabbling in the drama, we are face the shadows, transcend them and move on.

Use the energy of this week to push through and be proud of your accomplishments.

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Need help during Aquarius Season?

Aquarius will ask us to take care of our adrenals and ankles. “I am light and buoyant” is what we say when we do the Aquarius exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Aquarius Essential Oil Blend and the Aquarius Healing Minerals!

Are You An Aquarius?

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Aquarius season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Aquarius, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

For Self Care

Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea, especially in times of pandemic. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run.


Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea, especially in times of pandemic. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run.

Using the technology of Astrolochi, I can help you! I offer spiritual, mental, and emotional telewellness, remote healings, and video readings. Get more information by sending a message on

Also, I want to mention that we have started season two of our spiritual Podcast, Ageless! You can listen now on all mediums.


As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander for tips on how to boost immunity and stay mindful of cosmic happenings.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Daily Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Repeat situations will test you to make your stronger today.

  2. Monday: Today is great for healing emotional wounds and confusion about our place in the workforce. Identity issues are brought up for review.

  3. Tuesday: Happy Aquarius, read my Aquarius Season 2021: The Mainstream Media Meltdown forecast now.

  4. Wednesday: Mars is aligned with Uranus! Explosive new developments to come!

  5. Thursday: Everything is fixed today. Whoa. The energy is heavy and stubborn AF! Push through and find your inner changes, it’s all you can do!

  6. Friday: Love for love’s sake, expect nothing in return!

  7. Saturday: The Sun and Saturn align! Major lessons need to be learned as the light shines into your reality for new growth!

Read my coronavirus update & vaccination forecast

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Aquarius Season 2021: The Mainstream Media Meltdown