Arik Xander

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The Tarot Is A Tool You Should Know About.

"The Tarot isn't a tool to read the future, it's a tool to create the future." - Arik

Hi Stargazers,

You might be wondering, if I’m a stargazer….why would I want to learn about the Tarot? Well, in my astrological system, every archetype in astrology is based on a Tarot card!

Wowww, you’re thinking, huh?

I have some good news.

I started a company called Archetypal Alphabet, which will house Cosmic Pixels and other projects I am working on. We are also very happy to announce that we got the 22 major arcana decks in stock for the classes! Soooooo powerful and beautiful, I was shaking when I opened them and saw them. We designed them with a very unique “endless” feeling. Our Italian printers had a good time working on them too!

The 22 majors will soon be available to ship out should you choose to use them on your Tarot Symbolism journey. These cards are exclusively with the classes and cost only $22* for all 22 cards you’ll use for all three levels of my Tarot Symbolism series. If you want to order them for class on September 1, 2020 add it to your registration. While supplies last! If you're already signed up, just go back to the sign up page and you'll be able to add them there.

BTW, if you can’t make it to the live class, you have 1 week to watch the replay. This will also accommodate all the time zones.

Just so you know, I will provide the images digitally in each class, so you don’t have to have them in print (but I will because I like to hold and feel them, lol). Either way, Cosmic Pixels are the required deck because they are very accurate in symbolism and contain symbols not found anywhere else! They are a spiritually safe, and accurate design of the Tarot.

Did you know that some decks host astral beings that can crawl around your home?? Really scary!

This Tarot Symbolism class is my first Cosmic Pixel online class and is a prerequisite for future classes that will take your understanding of the Tarot to ever more powerful levels.

LMK if you have any questions before signing up. It’s $5 a class and if you need to pay per class, it can be arranged. There will be no financial support for this class because one really needs to have the vessel to learn Cosmic Pixels Tarot.

Space hug!


*Plus S+H