Arik Xander

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Solar Eclipse / New Moon In Cancer / Time Travel & Unanswered Prayers

“When we are appreciative, we immediately receive our request!”


Hi Stargazers! 🌃🤩

Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Cancer Astrology

Why do our prayers go unanswered? What’s the reason behind it?

Maybe you don’t even believe in prayer…..but this New Moon / Solar Eclipse has been scheduled by the cosmos to help you establish your connection with the power of prayer.

Prayer is defined as: “a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God.”

God, the universe, the light, the field - whatever you call it, however, you understand it is a precious relationship based on past experiences we’ve had. When we have a strong connection to the Universe, we have a direct connection to getting our requests answered.

But “prayer” is both a request and appreciation.

There is a great secret here: when we are appreciative, we immediately receive our request! It’s not that we receive our request and then we are appreciative - although that’s good too. The natural order of things is to cultivate appreciation first. Requests just fulfill themselves.

Don’t take my word for it, try it yourself.

But to help you, this New Moon / Solar Eclipse is going to realign us all with the power of prayer/request/appreciation so that we feel good doing it. When we feel good doing something, we are more authentic!

The Sun represents a rather large percentage of our ego nature. The Moon represents how we receive energy (from the sun and everything that comes from it). The Moon will literally block out most of the Sun and its sunlight! This is an annular eclipse which means the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun's, blocking most of the Sun's light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring). Rings symbolize eternity!

We have recently been going through “plague” in our world. I’ve written and spoken about the plagues such as the coronavirus and evil in our world. I have specifically said that the Summer Solstice will be a crucial point when things begin to shift for the better, and for the most part they have.

However, I have also said that the solar eclipse made me a bit nervous, on top of the Mercury retrograde in Cancer. But actually, after some consideration, and talks with many of my clients, I have seen that we can use this introspective perspective (mercury retrograde) to take a new look at things! Rather than circling the drain or going around on the same Ferris wheel of patterns, we have the ability to really block out ego light by shifting that which we receive!

One of the ways the New Moon / Solar Eclipse is helping us is by posing a question.

The Question Of This Quest.

24 hours before and 24 hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our efforts.

In DASH® Astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Cancer, we should open ourselves to the following question:

“Is my enthusiasm a straw-fire or true inspiration? How do I know the difference and how could this realization change my life?”


I will lead a meditation upon this in my New Moon Virtual Ritual.

For those of you working on your own, contemplate this question during the New Moon window and write down any insights that may come so that you can have a greater idea of what to work on in the Moon WorkBook.

See this product in the original post

Contemplate this question during the 48-hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.

We can change what we receive by changing our request! It’s that simple! And of course, the best preparation to have our requests answered is to have appreciation! So find, and make a list, of all things you need to appreciate! New and old! It’s going to change your life and really allow for more true enthusiasm.

Furthermore, this New Moon occurs within the quantum degree of Cancer. What this means is that we are able to time travel back and undo all the nonsense and chaos that we have created. The nodes of COVID-19 were in Cancer and when the New Moon in Cancer at 0° we have no excuse. We can shift the balance of power into freedom, liberty, and justice FOR ALL! I also want to note that the United States of American is a Cancer, so we can really make a difference there and I will dedicate the healing energy we reveal in the virtual ritual to the benefit of all life everywhere.

We don’t want to be fireworks, we want to be truly inspired by the fires of the divine.

Zodiacal City.

The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its 29-day journey around the zodiacal city.

As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why I offer a guided New Moon meditation when we assure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey. 

If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Cancer, you can order the guided meditation virtual ritual.

This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download my DASH® Astrology Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.

How To Work With This New Moon in Cancer:

  • Where does 0° Cancer fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get my moon mediation workbook and I’ll illuminate where you need to focus.

  • Reflect on New Moon in Cancer themes – Sensitivity, Integration, Automation.

  • Avoid Moon in Cancer traits like hypersensitivity, fearful, neediness.

  • Embrace Moon in Cancer traits like love for family, caring, nurturing.

  • Answer the question of this quest: Is my enthusiasm a straw-fire or true inspiration? How do I know the difference and how could this realization change my life?

  • Inhale, diffuse or get a massage with the Cancer Essential Oil which has been energetically charged by Arik.

  • Smell some geranium.

  • Work with Amber.

  • Take supplements for the stomach and lymphatic system.

  • Set your intentions.

  • To really treat yourself, participate in my virtual ritual which includes a teaching, workshop and guided meditation.

  • Make a donation or tithe.

I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, it is happily and spiritually received here.

(BTW - New Moon’s are one of the most powerful time to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold) Thank you for your donations, we always pray for those who donate to us.

The New Moon Window Opens 24 hours before and ends 24 hours after the time listed below:

  • UTC, Time Zone                 Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 06:41           

  • Los Angeles, USA               Sat, 20 Jun 2020 at 11:41 PM PDT    

  • New York, USA                  Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 2:41 AM EDT     

  • London, United Kingdom         Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 7:41 AM BST     

  • Munich, Germany                Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 8:41 AM CEST    

  • Tel Aviv, Israel               Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 9:41 AM IDT     

  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates    Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 10:41 AM GST    

  • Tokyo, Japan                   Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 3:41 PM JST     

  • Sydney, Australia              Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 4:41 PM AEST   

  • More here

How To Participate:

  1. Online: Do the virtual ritual online from your phone or computer

Have a wonderful New Moon in Cancer and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.