Autumn Equinox + Libra Season 2020 Astrological Forecast


Sept. 22 - Oct. 23, 2020

“We should be able to tell the difference between being taken off our path and being placed onto it.”

- @ArikXander

Hi Stargazers!

Big shifts are upon us and I really hope that they turn things for the better! Let’s ease into this forecast for the month of Libra…..

First of all, any atonements that we made throughout the Virgo season will support us on the first day of Libra, aka the day of judgement.

Remember, that the first day of Libra is the Autumn Equinox when day is balanced with night as the scales are set to zero and we are asked to do the same. This means we will see where we are not as balanced as we thought we were. Libra is a month of getting balanced….but there’s more to it.

The Autumn Equinox is also the day when Adam and Eve came into existence, fell from bliss and atoned for their “sin”. The rest of the month of Libra is dedicated to recovering from that day, which also happens to be the birth of humanity! Happy birthday Humankind! LOL!

Obviously, Libra is complicated yet it is packed with a lot of opportunities. An air sign, Libra is very intellectual and easily gets caught up in its own thoughts. Libras often think they have it all figured out until someone suggests another point of view completely diverting them off their path! Sometimes this “diversion” can completely detour a Libra, and other times, it can bring a detour to an end.

But the question remains, how can we tell the difference between being taken off our path and being placed onto it? Well, that’s what the Autumn Equinox is doing for us! I will explain more in the Autumn Equinox Virtual Ritual!

Each and every one of us has a unique mission, purpose, and destiny in life. We also have fate (and yes all of these are different things) that we face each and every day. In short, on the Autumn Equinox, all of the atonement and inner work we did in Virgo is reviewed and we are then judged by the Universe. But not the same way as we judge others, or (for the sake of the Libras out there who claim to never judge others) the way others judge us.

The universe reviews our personal ledger and makes a judgement, just like a judge reviews a case and makes a sentence. It’s beyond notions of good or bad, as the judgement is based on what our path is here on earth and where we stand on that path (only God can make these judgements, no matter what your mother claims!)

This isn't small picture, this is big picture and it has long term impacts that will affect many months to come! Let’s face it, 2020 has been sorta brutal so I am not entirely sure how this all is going down especially since every Equinox shifts archetypal rulership.

As I have written in my 2020 Astrological Forecast (which has received major acclaim for its accuracy) this year (and decade) is ruled by an archetype called THE EMPEROR! That’s great and tidy and all, but when the Autumn Equinox hits, the shadow side of the ruling archetype kicks into gear. This year, it’s an archetype called DEATH 😅

Does the universe want us to fall on our knees and change? Maybe! If you haven’t already, you might want to reconsider your personal empire because with DEATH (the archetype) kicking in, it brings even more change.

The only way we will find peace is through humility and through deep transformation. Mars, the ruler of Aries is retrograde driving a lot of us crazy, on top of Pluto going direct and so changing the judgemental sphere a bit more.

The DEATH archetype is the great purifier, and it will probably begin a six month period of breaking down old structures and outdated laws. This will be a time when we are getting prepared for rebirth and new beginnings which means we will first need to let go of the old ways of doing things before we can reach a state of rejuvenation.

More than any other month, Libra is packed with cosmic windows divided into three parts. Read all about it below.

Libra will ask us to take care of our skin and kidneys. Use Raw Skin Care Oil to restore the skin and use energy blend with kidney supplements to help these vital organs. “My sexual energies are balanced” is what we say when we do the Libra exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Libra essential oil or the Libra Phone Wallpaper, which is designed with the archetypal colors to create electrical impulses in the brain that stimulate biochemical processes in the body to transcend Libra astrology. Jade is one of the stones ruled by Libra, so be sure to wear some of that too.

Let’s look at the three phases of Libra Season 2020:

Libra Phase 1: Death’s Inauguration + More Atonement

The evening of September 21 and all of the 22 are intense. Energy is peaking and our file is being reviewed. This is like Santa visiting every house, except he isn’t bringing gifts, but checking if you’ve been naughty or nice (in regards to where you are on your path). The energy of DEATH (The archetype) is being inaugurated and being sworn in to help us purify and release so that we can regenerate (whether we want to or not!)

Even if you feel good about your path, it might not be the path you’re supposed to be on!

The good news is that we are drawn closer to source energy so that we can actually remember and recall why we are here on this earth. On the 21st and 22nd, be open to remembering why you have been reborn and what you need to do here on earth. Try not to forget it this time!

These first 10 days ask us to do more atonements before our judgment is sealed on October 2, 2020. Remember, though there is a cosmic bureaucracy, we can appeal and make changes based on our judgment before it gets filed away! How? With atonement!

The Full Moon in Aries will occur one day before our fate for the coming 12 months is sealed, so we can really and truly change the ways that lead us astray or into a state of deprivation. And we need to do this as a collective...I mean, look at the state of the world and let it speak for itself. Major patriarchy will crumble, but not in the way you expect it to (note: I am always biased towards the positive and write my forecasts with the defeat of evil, aka selfish and stale mindsets, in mind).

Are you a Libra?

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Libra season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Libra, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

Libra Phase 2: Acceptance

  • Oct 3 Pluto quincunx True Node

  • Oct 4 Pluto Direct

  • Oct 9 Quarter Moon

  • Oct 12 Jupiter sextile Neptune

On October 2, 2020, we can really atone and repent for any time we have indulged in ego behavior and just couldn’t control ourselves. Then that’s it! Of course, we should always atone, but from here on out, we atone for the long shot; right now we have to accept the results of our actions, which are out of our hands for the time being.

During this time, we heal our hearts and begin to forgive ourselves and let the past stay there.

The planet Pluto will go direct so we will need to be careful not to refill ourselves with judgment. We are not to judge (remember we just went through 10 days of intense judgment so there is no need to judge ourselves or others).

If we can maintain a positive attitude, we will be able to receive a lot of light and blessings so that we can obtain everything we need and wish for on our path. This is truly a powerful time to ask for whatever you want.

For Self Care

Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea, especially in times of pandemic. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run.

Using the technology of Astrolochi, I can help you! I offer spiritual, mental, and emotional telewellness, remote healings, and video readings. Get more information sending a message on

Phase 3: Rest

  • Oct 13 Mercury Retrograde

  • Oct 16 New Moon in Libra

  • Oct 22 Sun enters Scorpio

Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio clouding the entire DEATH process and perhaps giving us second chances to make changes. Then, the New Moon in Libra will offer some new insights onto our intentions.

During these last 10 days of Libra, we want to close the month out with putting mentalizations to rest. We can accumulate some immunity from making the same mistakes again as we commit to learning and remembering our path, our process, and our ability to choose.

Need some help with this Libra Season?

Utilize the astrological sun meditation to help you transcend and optimize the Libra archetype within and around you! Since everything comes from light, all the ions, atoms, and cosmic pixels are influenced by the Libra archetype, which filters the light of the sun before we receive it here on earth. The sun represents 60-70% of our personal fate, so it’s a rather large shift. In order to really make the most of this special 30 Day period, I offer a quantum sunlight meditation where you access your solar plexus energy and align with the highest vibration of the archetype to ensure a powerful return of energy throughout the Virgo season.


Weekly Astrology: September 27 - October 3, 2020


Weekly Astrology: Sept. 20 - 26, 2020