Learn Tarot Symbolism

Hi Stargazers,

Some of you know, maybe some of you don’t, that I practice Tarot.

It’s a huge part of my work and my path. I don’t pull cards and read spreads anything like that - although I could if I wanted to - but I prefer reading the archetypes through an astrological chart. However, I do use the Tarot to understand and work with the archetypes they represent.

A lot of people who know I work with the Tarot ask me, “what does this card mean? What does this archetype rule?” and so on. I guess I got a pretty good reputation for giving the right answers because now you guys asked me to teach you about them.

*Spoiler* - I said yes!

I’ve spent the past few weeks organizing and figuring out how to teach the archetypes, as this will be my first time teaching them in their entirety. Normally, I dedicate an entire week long - 24 hours a day retreats to just one or two archetypes, so I had to figure out how, and what aspects, to teach online.

So I decided to teach an introductory class on the Tarot! Then I got to thinking, well the best way to learn about the Tarot, without needing to know about where it comes from, who invented it and how it is supposed to be used (all questions I can answer by the way!) is by getting to know the symbols within each Tarot card design. It’s just the best way to learn - or even re-learn - the Tarot.

But why?

Well, the Tarot cards are more than cards, they are archetypes that represent multidimensions. Each Tarot card is like it’s own brand that is made up of colors and symbolic rules. Which is why the best way to begin learning the Tarot is by understanding the symbols within each card.

Anyone who has ever designed anything, from a room to a website knows that we need to first establish a guide towards our desired outcome. We have to work with symbols such as colors, light, and objects that represent the ambiance we’d like to convey. Creating reality is no different…..just that we have cosmic tools to work with! These tools are the 22 archetypes of creation, also known as the Tarot, or what we call Cosmic Pixels.

The coolest part is that I will be teaching the symbols within our very own Tarot Deck: Cosmic Pixels! The Cosmic Pixels are a set of Tarot designs created to clarify unquestioned and inconsistent meanings within traditional Tarot decks that have been hidden from the public for centuries.

These cards have never been taught about before. They have unique symbolism, so really, everyone is a newbie! Plus, they even have a unique sequence which makes them more powerful than any other journey or deck.

You’ll be able to use these cards throughout the course if you so choose. I just want to make sure I can ship you your cards by September 1, 2020 when the class begins.

That’s pretty cool, huh?

I know, that’s a lot to take in! You’ll be hearing more from me later. If you have any questions about signing up to the class, just hmu.

Meanwhile, maybe I will see you for that special second New Moon in Cancer of 2020 beginning this weekend?

Space hug,



DASH® Astrology Weekly Horoscope July 19 - 25, 2020


DASH® Astrology Weekly Horoscope July 12 - July 18, 2020