Arik Xander

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Astrological Forecast: Dec. 13 - 19, 2020

Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

“We all have fears that we need to face, but we cannot forget that everything is connected to a bigger picture that has our best interest at heart.”


Hi Stargazers!

This week:

  • Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

    • Dec 14, 2020

  • Venus Enters Sagittarius

    • Dec 15, 2020

  • Saturn Enters Aquarius

    • Dec 17, 2020

  • Jupiter Enters Aquarius

    • Dec 19, 2020

  • The cosmic signature of the week is promising righteousness.

  • The gift of the week is prosperity, abundance and sustenance.

  • The challenge of the week is caving into self-righteous justification.

The eclipse is upon us! This week kicks off with a New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius! Then both Saturn and Jupiter will enter Aquarius! Major shifts are occurring this week!!!!!!!!!

But first, there is also a lot of prosperity and abundance coming through the cosmos this week. Resist temptation as it will provide for the ultimate payday! We can use the energy of this week to see how the difficulties we may be encountering are indeed miracles. When we shift our outlook to see how both the challenges and the support have our best interest at heart, we begin to get a bigger picture of what’s really going on. Only then can we clearly choose where we want to go.

Every single thing you experience in your life is serving you, even if you think it isn’t! Transcending the reactive ego programming allows you to see the direction the service is leading you. With this understanding, there is no room for the victim to move in a steer you into the wrong direction. We all have fears that we need to face, but we cannot forget that everything is connected to a bigger picture that has our best interest at heart.

Now, about that eclipse: This eclipse is exposing unhelpful friends and frenemies. It’s showing us who our true friends are! This New Moon will pass over the Sun in Sagittarius, intensifying the solar and lunar energy of oppression, and the burdens that come with lying and manipulation. Any position we’ve acquired by being dishonest or deceptive will become interrogated under this Eclipse! This is a major test for those who also wish to keep their positions. Plus both, Saturn and Jupiter entering into Aquarius is going to shake things up!

Out of the chains of Capricorn and into the purifying waters of Aquarius. Oh, man! Lessons will need to be applied on a large scale! As far as I am concerned, these planets are conjunct and will take the party in Aquarius. Anticipate freedom! In Aquarius, these two planets want a satisfactory meaning of life and knowledge to link into the material world. These planets in Aquarius will promote our ability to adhere to our greatest ideals as well as our boundless curiosity to find new ones if these ideals fail us.

However, there are billions of positive particles and waves of miracles raining down onto the world during this eclipse! So let’s rather eclipse our ego nature and transmute our past actions, aka fate, into protection from negative angels of confusion who are created to mislead people away from their swiftest path!

Be sure to sign up to my online workshops to get the most out of it! Eclipse / Winter Solstice Alignment

Need help during Sagittarius Season?

The Sagittarius archetype brings miracles and growth by means of testing where we stand on our path. Sometimes we get too distracted from what we need to be working on and miss the signs and magic altogether.

Utilize the astrological sun meditation to help you transcend and optimize the Sagittarius archetype within and around you! Since everything comes from light, all the ions, atoms, and cosmic pixels are influenced by the Sagittarius archetype, which filters the light of the Sun before we receive it here on earth. The Sun represents 60-70% of our personal fate, so it’s a rather large shift. In order to really make the most of this special 30 Day period, I offer a quantum sunlight meditation where you access your solar plexus energy and align with the highest vibration of the archetype to ensure a powerful return of energy throughout the Sagittarius season.


If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Sagittarius season will look like for you, get a birthday chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Sagittarius, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!


Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea, especially in times of pandemic. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run.

Using the technology of Astrolochi, I can help you! I offer spiritual, mental, and emotional telewellness, remote healings, and video readings. Get more information sending a message on

Also, I want to mention that we have started season two of our spiritual Podcast, Ageless! You can listen now on all mediums.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander for tips on how to boost immunity and stay mindful of cosmic happenings.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

See this content in the original post

Daily Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Eclipse window opens today as the rest of us are in lockdown! Take care of yourself and your emotional body!

  2. Monday: Happy New Moon Eclipse! Your true friends will be seen! No more codependency!

  3. Tuesday: Venus enters Sagittarius, think before you love now.

  4. Wednesday: The Moon is aligned with Pluto, everyone is in detective mode, looking for things that might not even be there.

  5. Thursday: Saturn enters Aquarius! One weight is lifted as another is loaded on! Aquarius wants things “its way!”

  6. Friday: Venus in Sagittarius will make your love life and financial responsibilities a bit braver when it comes to taking risks. Spend and love the responsibly.

  7. Saturday: Jupiter moves into Aquarius! This is a beautiful alignment of expansion for humanity! Wow! Oh no, Saturn is also there! Migraine headache anyone!

Read my coronavirus update & vaccination forecast

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