Arik Xander

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April Horoscopes

These horoscopes have an emphasis on self-quarantine and suggest the best way to shift the collective through these times. @ArikXander

Tip: read for your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign.

Now is the time to review your 2020 Seeds for April from the New Year Meditation.

♈Aries (March 21 - April 20)

It’s your birthday month Aries! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a birthday reading with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! You need to be the leader at home right now as you focus in on family. Your actions might be a bit unpredictable and more impulsive than usual. If you haven’t already noticed, there is a lot of inner child themes bring brought to the surface. It’s time to heal them and discover your self value because you have a lot to bring to the table.

♉Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

It’s your birthday month Taurus! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a birthday reading with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! April asks you to lovingly step towards attending others around you. This means that you will also need to lovingly step away from whatever isn’t supporting this cosmic directive. You’re always looking for deep devotion, but you’ve got to become devoted to the concept of service first.

♊Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Relationships are finicky this month Gemini. Communication is everything right now. It’s really important that you clear the air because your gossip and negative thoughts contribute to the collective situation as much as your meditations and “positive” thinking attempts. Think on your toes and journal, journal, journal! As you get out of your head, try not to jump into someone else’s.

♋Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Deep understanding is almost plaguing you this month. It’s really important that you have an idea of where to put the surge of insights. Many opportunities may come from the downloads you get. It’s important now more than ever to avoid taking on emotional bodies. Send healing out into the world and allow yourself to find safety in the fact that everything changes. Take the lead and make sure your taxes are in order.

♌Leo (July 23 - August 23)

It’s important that you learn something new this month. Something that you’ve always wanted to learn, perhaps from childhood, is in the stars for you. Push yourself to grow and expand so that you can bring more to your family, parents and domestic life. You’ll need to confront your arrogance because it may serve as a blockage to the light you can reveal in your explorations. Open your mind and push out of limited perspectives.

♍Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 23)

You’ll need to set the tone for others this month by showing others how to make the most from what we have at hand. This is also a good time for you to begin writing and getting organized. The best way you can control what’s going on around you is by giving yourself room to breathe. Don’t be afraid to step up the plate and take responsibility, someones gotta do it.

♎Libra (Sept. 24 - October 23)

It’s good that we are all in quarantine this month because your codependency patterns are out of control. You want to please everyone and their mother which will only brew your resentment meter for later. Try to sit this one out as much as possible otherwise when the humans are released from their cages back into the wild world, you just might find there is a target on your back. Work on being balanced and never underestimate how passive-aggressive you really are in situations you perceive as “unharmonious” or “unfair”.

♏Scorpio (October 24 - Nov. 22)

Get ready to dive deep into the dark corners of your mind Scorpio….right where you like to be! You’re so good at navigating these hidden parts when it comes to others, but now you have to look into the dark mirror and explore your own skeletons in the closet. Retreat and reflect and April will give you some grounding for all that water within you. It’s now time to really shed and shred unconscious patterns running the show.

♐Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

Self-growth and improvement is your journey for April. You’re gonna outgrow self-images and expand your awareness. Be kind to your body and try not to expand the waistline too much. You might need to start exercising from home if you can’t get enough sky time. You’ll become aware of your quirks and mannerisms, and might not care, but this month you’ll need to as you move from ME to WE.

♑Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

Saturn has left your sign, which has depowered you a bit. Thank god because you had too much going for you for too long. You’ve stored up a lot of energy over the past 2 years and this month asks you to count the cash you have on hand and cultivate confidence in the future. This will be very difficult for you because you calculate everything and can often become shortsighted by the material things you have but mostly by the things you don’t have. It’s your take to stop be blinded by the material and challenge yourself to see the spiritual. Remember, poverty is not a spiritual quality, but humility is.

♒Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Control your thoughts this month because you’re all over the place and in the neighbor’s trash. You need to learn how to love learning this month. Your power will be found within organizations, being mindful and connecting with the people you speak to on a daily basis. Try to write something and cultivate more confidence. Everyone already knows how different you are, so give them a reason to understand why this month. Stand and try not to blend in by trying too hard like everyone else.

♓Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

You’re too emotional this month. Your mind is playing tricks on you and you’re unable to decipher fantasy from thinking. You knew there is a difference right? You need to put on a big smile and dig up some of that happiness you’ve forgotten about right now. Otherwise, you’ll run for cover and escape at every whim. Connect with the roots of eternity and plant yourself in reality. Your inner nature is waiting for you to show up.

I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, please consider a donation for this article.