The Tarot shouldn’t be something that intimidates you.


Hi Stargazers,

The Tarot shouldn’t be something that intimidates you.

It’s not voodoo and it isn’t black magic.

It’s not just for new age bookstores, pick-a-card readings or YouTube fortune tellers.

It’s not going to tell you the winning lotto numbers or if your ex is Googling you.

The Tarot is actually a series of archetypes that reflect different aspects of ourselves. It’s a symbolic system for self-transformation that is represented by archetypes we all have a relationship with. Ask any child who has never seen the Tarot to look at the cards and they will immediately sense the magic and power within each of the archetypes.

Personally, I am not into reading the future, because - ?thankfully? - the future is not set and can change with every new intention.

Professionally, as an astrologer who reads hundreds of charts on a regular basis, I consistently emphasize what is probable, but the choice, or forfeit of it, always lies with the free will of the user! The Tarot can be used in the same way.

Think of a weather forecast, we, or the machines, detect certain conditions of moisture or incoming temperatures. We process this information as symbols, whether numbers or letters and then we process that information and interpret it as “rain”. We see the symbols of clouds and raindrops and know it means “rain”. All these symbols are archetypes that mean something about our past, present, or future.

What can be seen with divination are the symbolic circumstances that will be present at a certain point in time. But it’s always up to our free will to choose our destiny! The best part is that when we understand the symbols of creativity and creation, we have the ingredients we need to make our divine nation!

The Cosmic Pixels Tarot cards are essentially a tool for self-transformation, prayer, and blessing as opposed to the mainstream understanding of fortune reading. The Cosmic Pixels can help you access your divine will, free of cheap divination, to help you find solutions on your path. No party tricks here, only archetypal information that will teach you the secrets of the laws of the cosmos, which is true divination, or like a divine nation and raise your vibration.

Let me take this to another level for a second.

You’ve heard about white magic and black magic right? Well, black magic is a real thing. Think, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named”, from Harry Potter. In fact, there are certain names that we should not pronounce as it gives them power over us! So black magic is a real thing and it also comes with a set of circumstances that too many novices or innocent people walk into like into an unexpected spider web.

It makes me sad sometimes that people are misguided, but that’s why I’m offering this Tarot Symbolism class

We work with a safe Tarot deck, actually, a powerful one and this class will introduce you to the various symbols within each card! So you see, there is no reason to be afraid of Tarot! If you want to use this deck in the class, better order ASAP to get it in time for the class!

I hope this relieves you of any hesitations and excites you to embark on a new journey with the rest of us!

Space hug!



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