Arik Xander

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2019 September Horoscopes


♈Aries (March 21 - April 20)

You’re healing some part of yourself and putting old lessons into action. Be yourself figure out ways to manifest wealth and increase self-value. Yes, the world can be troubled, but you’re a warrior in search of love and freedom!

♉Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

You want to undo the recent changes. Stop that. Keep going forward this month. You’re a bit in love with being romanticized. Enjoy life and use your energy to love those around you. Don’t think about the instabilities.

♊Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

You’re thinking about your roots and find that by being yourself, you can connect to authentic people. Relationships take time, but you’re figuring it out. Go with the moment and don’t try to explain yourself out of the feelings.

♋Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

You’re aimed towards finding and expressing your style. You have a lot of mental capacity this month and can have the clarity to see how others influence you and impede your new-found style. Don’t fight the thoughts, use them.

♌Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Themes of where you come from and how you have been raised are coming apparently within your body and identity. If you don’t agree with it, focus on who you are now. Attachments will only make you feel less proud of yourself. Love yourself for what you have within, not what you have without.

♍Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 23)

It’s your birthday month Virgo! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! You’re focused on self-responsibility and can really put your thoughts out there. Conversation is everything for you this month. Just remember to let it go, because no everyone will remember what was said as you do.

♎Libra (Sept. 24 - October 23)

It’s your birthday month Virgo! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! Things are hiding from you. Those feelings you feel are yours so don’t try to suppress them. Opportunities for money will come into some sort of closure which you can either take or pass on.

♏Scorpio (October 24 - Nov. 22)

As long as you’re yourself, and not rebelling against good advice, there is no ending to the number of opportunities coming your way! The only catch is that you’ll need to surrender control to some relationship karma around money and love.

♐Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

You’re all about relationships and finding yourself in them this month. Stay true to who you are without waving your flag in everyone’s face. You’ll need to find the balance between confidence and hatred for those that might not agree with your perspective.

♑Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

You have a lot of energy to get things done this month. As soon as you see you need to be disciplined, don’t waste a second. Use your energy wisely this month and try to be openminded about the way you see yourself.

♒Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Career gets a new identity this month. Maybe a new brand or a new presentation of it. Stay aware of what you’re uniting with while remembering where you come from so that you don’t feel like an alien while looking into the mirror.

♓Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Resist temptation and stay true to your loved one this month. Your relationship gives you happiness and there is no need to go and mess that up over some weird fantasy about what you would be like otherwise.

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