December Destiny Report For All Zodiac Signs


This is the last month of the decade, so let’s make it count!

Did you know the three Wise Men or Kings – who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh – were astrologers? That’s how they were able to foresee and forecast the exact location of the Shaman’s birth.

♈Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Hey Aries, you’re a bit emotionally vulnerable this month. It’s almost like you’re on the verge of a huge transformation (which you are!). So stay with it and all will be well! Trust your intuition and stay connected with the people who are really on your team because they will be there for you when you need some cheer. Money looks good if you can stay happy.

♉Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Get out a travel a bit, or at least in your mind. Study something new or open your mind to different ways of doing things. It’s a good month to take your studies to the next level and stop dabbling. Make a financial game plan, or go out, get inspiring and then bring it back to have some structure.

♊Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

It’s all about career and communication this month. Network and see what people want for the holidays! You’re the one who will be able to bring it to them. You’re very popular and seen as an authority in whatever you’re doing. So stay on your toes and don’t be afraid to make choices!

♋Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Relationships and friends are huge this month. Work and career are also a theme. Turn up the social media volume and tweet your heart out. People want to hear what you have to say. Everyone might love you this month and take some time to hang out with your friends (even if it’s your family).

♌Leo (July 23 - August 23)

You have strong desires this month, but they seem to be coming out of the woodwork. So really get in touch with what it is that you want and see what needs to go. The subconscious is highlighted, and you’re talking a lot. Alright… watch what you say to the people around you because you might just blurt out things you will later regret!

♍Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 23)

You have a strong body and identity focus this month. Plus, you like to talk to people around you and think about what’s going on in the world. You have the tools people need and many will depend on you this month. Take care of your body and do something nice for yourself. You’re helping so many people, you need #selfcare too.

♎Libra (Sept. 24 - October 23)

Money and family are themes this month. Maybe you’re trying to figure out how to best invest your money into something in the home realm. Or maybe you’re trying to figure out who gets what in the family. Either way, be optimistic about wealth and remember to not put monetary value on people.

♏Scorpio (October 24 - Nov. 22)

You have a lot of energy this month. You’ll need to work with things that are within reach. Don’t stress out too much about what’s down the line, try to just focus on the task at hand. Remember to lighten up and allow yourself some downtime because you’ll need it.

♐Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

It’s your birthday month Sagittarius! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! You have strong desires this month and are focused on what’s going on at home. Be honest about your feelings and allow your emotions to inspire you.

♑Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

It’s your birthday month Capricorn! Happy Birthday! Be sure to give thanks to your parents! You will want to book a solar return with me to see what's coming up in the year ahead! This month asks you to lighten up a bit. Jupiter, the expander, just entered into your sign and is going to push you to grow whether you’re ready or not. Allow the process and REALLY trust in the spiritual system.

♒Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

You’ll need to work with others if you want to get ahead. You might even need to have a heart to heart with someone in order to move forward. It’s .a month of building and really opening yourself to others so that you can get the job done. It’s only for this month. Take care of your health and be kind to yourself because you might go a bit overboard in pushing others and yourself onward and upward!

♓Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Whoa, it’s all about relationships this month. You have no idea what’s going on in the minds of people you work with. Or do you? Be aware of any delusions about the people you are dealing with and really confront things head-on without being angry or passive-aggressive. No need to let people trigger you into any sort of substance abuse throughout the holidays. Otherwise, you see right through people and are reminded to have compassion and sympathy for them.

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DASH Astrology Weekly Horoscope Dec. 1-7, 2019


2019 November New Moon in Sagittarius