Commonly known as your birth chart, I recommend this service if this is your first time having your chart read. Your birth chart shows everything you bring into this incarnation, including your belief systems, limitations, and talents. This chart shows the character of the family you were born into and the general lessons you need to master to graduate to the next level.

Reading this chart can be offer insight and/or confirmation of your intuition and experiences that will bestow confidence and certainty of your life's purpose. I read your birth chart as a 5-Dimensional picture that has been constructed by your past life choices and beliefs. The chart is merely a tool, as opposed to a box, that can help you transcend your fate that you will meet in this lifetime.

The chart is something that can be overcome with heightened awareness and a powerful game plan so that you can use what you've been born with and discard whatever no longer serves your highest good. A birth chart reading also includes a transit and progression chart to show you what your stars will be challenging and offering you over the near future. This reading is suited for first-time clients.