Astrolochi® Healing
While millions have used astrology, it wasn’t until Astrolochi was introduced that a system could explain how astrology works.
I use the Astrolochi® system in my healing sessions which is a synthesis of astrology and kinesiology. A typical session, which can be done remotely, is sealing/checking The Chiron Point®, and then working on your goals.
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Healing from anywhere in the world.
In healing your chart, you do not need to be physically present to conduct a session. Well before social distancing made telemedicine a necessity, Arik has always offered and continues to provide remote healings to people all over the world.
The Chiron Point.
In every chart is the Chiron Point, which represents the wounded healer and our ability to heal ourselves. Until this point is identified and strengthened, healing from other treatments will not be possible and will be reduced to positive effects at the most.
Healing the whole person.
No matter how much spiritual work we do, it is important that our physical vessels are compatible with the energy we are requesting to accomplish a task. As time goes on, we accumulate blockages on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels, which need to be dissolved with healing so that the normal flow of energy flow can resume.
This is why we say that with Astrolochi®, we do not treat the disease. We treat the whole person (or animal; yes, we treat pets, too).
Programs made just for you.
Working with your unique karmic birth chart, your meridians, your chakras, and using kinesiology, I am able to communicate with your body and determine the best therapy needed. At the end of the session, I will make some suggestions that you can use as homework until we meet again.
"A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician."
- Hippocrates